Sunday 10 January 2016

10 Interesting Sex Facts You Must Know

Everyone is interested in having sex. Well, that is not bad at all! There are a few facts about sex which seem really interesting. Even those who pretend to know everything also does not know all of these for sure. Now read on and find these 20 Interesting Sex Facts.

  • Vibrators were invented to reduce "hysteria"

The vibrators were first invented nearly two centuries back but not for the purpose of what it serves today. It was originally meant for reducing hysteria.

  • The sperm ratio

On average, a healthy man’s a teaspoon of semen contains over 300 million sperm. However just one sperm fertilizes with the woman’s egg. It can live up to a week inside the woman’s body.

  • What do the people do after sex

According to some researches, approximately over one third of total young people do check their social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter. But, luckily they are not posting any images on these sites!

  • Who do sex more often – men or Women?

It is a wrong conception that men do sex more often than women. But the fact is that women do sex 17 percent more compared to men, study reveals.

  • The longest orgasm

Girls have longer orgasms. Their orgasm lasts for over 20 seconds while men’s orgasm lasts just six seconds. So women’s orgasm are three times longer than that of men.

  • Orgasms are good for health

Orgasms lower the risks for gettingheart disease and stroke. Orgasms can also prevent breast cancer and depression. So have sex for a happier and healthier life!

  • Sex counts as a workout!

While having sex, approximately 200 calories are burnt.

  • Women are friskier than we admit

Are women being aroused only by men? No, not at all true! Women do get aroused by everything that stimulates their sex; researchesreveal.

  • Sex prevent you from peeing!

Have you ever tried to pee soon after having sex? If so you might have experienced that it is slightly tough to do that. It is because an antidiuretic hormone is released in your body when you orgasm.
Answering cell phoneswhile having sex.

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